Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2010

Last night, we had a little baby visiting us overnight.  Imogen shared her bedroom with the little one.  When the baby woke at 1230, crying, Imogen woke too.  She, Imogen, was very concerned about the baby.

Imogen:  Mummy, I think when this baby is saying WAHHHH and WAHWAH what she really means is "I miss my mummy so much and you just aren't her."

Me:  I think you're right, Imogen.

Imogen:  Yes, she likes us but she knows that we aren't her mummies and that makes her feel very sad.

Me:  Yes.

Imogen:  Mummy, I'm going to get my worry dolls and show her how they work so she can put them under her pillow and they will take her worries away and then she'll stop being so sad.

Me:  That is so nice of you, Imogen.  You are such a wonderful friend.

Imogen:  Mummy, it breaks my sweet little big girl heart when the baby is sad.