Imogen: I'm feeling sad.
Me: Why, honey?
Imogen: Because yesterday was National Cat Day and now it's going to be almost a whole year til it's National Cat Day again.
Imogen: I'm feeling sad.
Me: Why, honey?
Imogen: Because yesterday was National Cat Day and now it's going to be almost a whole year til it's National Cat Day again.
Walking along, Imogen stopped and picked up a rock.
Imogen: Yes! Now Hallowe'en is complete!
Me: Um, why is that?
Imogen, in a voice of utter disbelief: Because I have a rock I can paint like a pumpkin!
Imogen: I do not have boobs, Mom; you have boobs. I have breasts.
A propos of nothing, this.
Imogen was watching the cats fight, paws flying.
Imogen: Mom, it looks like they're stimming!
Imogen: You and MamaJen are my favourite moms ever.
Imogen: But don't get too excited because you're also my only moms.